Dragon Soop Rolls out New Design


You may have noticed that several flavours of your favourite Dragon Soop have been sporting a new design recently. Over the coming months, all cans and cartons will be treated to this refreshing makeover.

Spied one of our new look cans on sale in your local retailer? Take a photo of the can (or pack) on the retailer’s shelf (with the stores permission), post the photo and tag* Dragon Soop on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #dragonsoopshelfie - Our ten favourite photo posters will win a sooper-cool, Dragon Soop t-shirt each.

Terms & Conditions: Photos must include the new can (or pack) design. Posts must be made by midnight 31st March 2019. Open to UK residents aged 18 and over. One t-shirt per winner. Multiple entries allowed. No purchase necessary. Winners notified by 5th April 2019.

*The social media posts must be public in order for us to be able to view them

Please enjoy Dragon Soop responsibly.

Dragon Soop