Dragon Soop Sponsor Glaswegian Band Sara ‘N’ Junbug
Sara ‘N’ Junbug - “We’re not here to take part we’re here to take over”
Dragon Soop is delighted to announce the sponsorship of the 4-piece pop band, Sara ‘N’ Junbug.
With bagfuls of self-proclaimed Glaswegian charm and earworm choruses (who are we to argue?), Sara ‘N’ Junbug blazoned their catchy tunes through our ears and into our hearts with the genius song, Dragon Soop Diaries.
And it’s a crackin’ wee tune too – don’t believe us?
Check it out:
Meet the Band
The group is made up of four members:
Sara - Vocalist, guitarist and lyricist
Junbug - Guitarist and lyricist
Daniel - Bassist, pianist and violinist
James - Drummer, percussionist and sampler man
And, although Sara ‘N’ Junbug got our attention with a kick-ass song, that’s not the only reason which makes them the perfect fit for Dragon Soop. They’re a band very much on the up, having supported the likes of global superstars Tom Walker and Emili Sande.
On sponsoring Sara ‘N’ Junbug, the group declared:
“We’re extremely excited to be being sponsored by Dragon Soop this year. So many great nights out and gigs have been had thanks to Soop, so it’s pretty amazing they’re going to help us out in making 2020 the band’s most successful year yet!”
Meanwhile, Paul Burton, Managing Director of Corinthian Brands, said:
“We love anyone with guts and personality. Sara ‘N’ Junbug have that in spades. They grabbed our attention with Dragon Soop Diaries but looking deeper, they’re a group of musicians with bucket loads of talent and potential – and Dragon Soop are thrilled to be backing them”
Road Diaries
Love their music and attitude?
Then why get along to see Sara ‘N’ Junbug playing ‘Dragon Soop Diaries’, along with the rest of their back catalogue in May, for the start of their Vision 2020 tour:
3rd May: Sneaky Pete’s, Edinburgh
7th May: Church, Dundee
8th May: Gellion’s Bar, Inverness
9th May: Fortress Festival
12th May: The Amsterdam, Glasgow
If you’d like to hear more, you can keep up to date with the band’s latest news on their dedicated band pages:
Altogether, one more time: “I forget everything you said that was untrue, with ma can of Dragon Soop…”